Nashville Banjo Capos

Nashville Capo for Guitar and Banjo
Spring loaded type, easy to put on,
classy look.

Another great design by G7th

Introducing the latest addition to the G7th family.  The Nashville is a spring operated capo which is lighter and quicker to use than any other capo of this style.  I like this one a lot too, You can't beat this one for speed, convenience, and the quality is tops. They look cool too, unlike the Kyser brand that I don't care for.

When I use this capo, I rest the front edge of the capo against the back half of the fret wire I'm capoing to. Then I push down with the palm of my right hand on the strings near the bridge. That takes care of any binding. Quickly and easily the banjo is in tune and I'm ready to go.

The quicker and easier to use
Banjo or Guitar Capo

Note: If your banjo has a real thin neck this might be a little too big for it. If that is the case, try this one from G7th

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nashville capo
G7th performance banjo capo