Bill Stokes Showcase Banjo Capo

Stokes Deluxe
Banjo Capo

The best banjo capo of it's kind on the market. Hand designed and crafted by banjo innovator, Bill Stokes. I recommend these over any capo like it out there. This is the type I use because you can adjust the pressure on the strings the easiest. These are extremely well made, will last forever.

This is the best model to get if you are only capoing as high as the 4th fret for the keys of A, Bb and B
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Best model to get if you are capoing as high as the 5th fret for the key of C
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stokes capo

B Capo

banjo capo for key of c

C Capo
I just upgraded to this capo from a more basic banjo capo, and I am very glad I did. This capo is top quality.
Beautifully crafted and it really helps foster a clear sound when capo-ing up the neck. Very fine banjo capo
.  Sara

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Bill Stokes Premium Banjo Capo

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