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Gold Tone OB-3 Mastertone™ Professional Banjo "The Twanger"
Good morning Ross, My OB-3 arrived safe and sound! It has exceeded my expectations! This thing is a ...
High Quality Leather Banjo Strap Resonator Banjos
The strap is really nice, minimalist just the way I like it! I like this strap over my Deering delu ...
Nick Picks Best Tone and Comfort
I had a little trouble with these but it was operator error. Once I spread them out a bit and slid t ...
Snuffy Smith Bridge for 5-String Banjos
The strings have a whole new brightness and depth of tone and sustain. Wow, it is almost like I was ...
Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
Hello Ross, and crew! Been playing my RK75 since last May now, and just received a set of Nick Picks ...
Cheat-A-Keys Cam D-Tuners for Banjo
Everything has arrived well 2 days ago - ultra speedy transatlantic shipment, fantastic items, best ...
Gold Tone OB-250 Plus with JLS Tone Ring
Great banjo,just received it a couple days ago and it looks and sounds great. Thanks Ross for all yo ...

Banjo Bridge 

Banjo Bridges

Find the best banjo bridge to use for your banjo at
We carry bridges that work for gibson mastertones, stelling, deering, nechville, ome, bellbird, burlile, gold tone, goldstar, morgan monroerecording kings and any 5 string bluegrass banjos4 string banjos or even six string banjos.

Learn how to replace your ba...

  • Snuffy Smith
    Snuffy Smith

    Snuffy Smith Banjo Bridges for 4, 5 or 6 string banjos

    We have high quality hand made Snuffy Smith, Style 1, Style II with compensated G, and Snuffy Smith "Crowe" Spaced banjo bridges that banjo Player JD Crowe uses. They are slightly wider spaced between strings. We also carry banjo bridges for radius banjo necks. banjo bridges for six string banjos, (6-string banjitars/gitjos) and 4 string tenor, Irish tenor and plectrum bridges.
    We stock all banjo bridge heights for Snuffy Smith Style 1, Style 2 and Crowe spaced in 1/2 inch, 9/16, 5/8 (5/8 is standard size) 21/32 (.656 is the same height as 21/32) 11/16 and 3/4 inch.

    "These are the banjo bridges I use and I highly recommend them" Thanks, Ross Nickerson

  • Scorpion Banjo Bridges
    Scorpion Banjo Bridges

    Scorpion Banjo Bridges by Silvio Ferretti

    Hand made in Italy from aged European maple with ebony top. These are hand made by banjo player Silvio Ferretti. Silvio is well known for his banjo bridges as well as his skilled banjo playing with his group Red Wine.

  • Kat Eyz Pegged Top Banjo Bridges - With Snuffy Smith Wood!
    Kat Eyz Pegged Top...

    Kat Eyz Pegged Top Banjo Bridges - With Snuffy Smith Wood!

    The Katzeye pegged top bridges made with Snuffy Smith wood are exclusive to I highly recommend these.

  • Deering Bridges
    Deering Bridges

    Deering Banjo Bridges sold separately at

    We feature the new Deering Smile Banjo Bridge for brilliant tone and perfect intonation with it's curved shape. We also carry replacement banjo bridges for the Deering Goodtime banjos. The Good time bridges are of superior quality than most, or all stock banjo bridges that come installed on beginner banjos in the same price ranges. Deering Banjo has wisely put extra effort in to the bridges that come with the Goodtime banjos and they sound great. Adding a low cost Deering hard rock maple bridge to your banjo is an easy and fast way to improve your banjo tone considerably.

  • Radius Banjo Bridges
    Radius Banjo Bridges

    Radius Banjo Bridges for Radius Neck Banjos

    Radius Bridges for banjos by Nechville, Snuffy Smith, Kat Eyz, and Sosebee.
    we have different sizes in case you need an alternative height, and also "Crowe" wider spacing radius banjo bridges.

    These bridges for banjo are made specially for banjos with radiused or curved fingerboards. The radius neck requires a specially made bridge to fit the curved fretboard.

  • Nick Bridge
    Nick Bridge

    High Quality Great Sounding Wadsworth - "Nick Bridge"

    The bridge on your banjo has a dramatic affect on the tone, tuning and clarity of your banjo.

    The Nick Bridge is a handmade custom bluegrass banjo bridge made by David Wadsworth that produces excellent tone.

    Well known top banjo bridge builder David Wadsworth makes the Nick Bridge for Ross Nickerson to sell at his website

  • Crowe Spaced
    Crowe Spaced

    Banjo Bridges with "Crowe Spacing"  - Wider spaced banjo bridges.

    Wider bridge spacing for banjo players with bigger fingers or pickers that prefer the wider bridge spacing. This design is called "Crowe" spacing after banjo player JD Crowe who uses the wider spacing. The wider spacing is slight but you can really feel it is different. This can also be an alternative for banjo players that wish the banjo strings were slightly wider apart on the fretboard too. You can feel the difference in the fretting hand too

  • Grover

    Grover Banjo Bridges

    We carry 1/2 inch and 5/8 sizes  for 5-string bluegrass banjos4-string tenor and 4-string plectrum banjos.

  • Low Cost Bridges
    Low Cost Bridges

    Lower priced Banjo Bridges at

    Tried and true maple banjo bridges from Golden Gate and Grover. We have these quality lower cost banjo bridges in a variety of styles and sizes for both 5 string and 4 string.

  • Maple Banjo Bridges
    Maple Banjo Bridges

    Top Quality Wood Maple Banjo Bridges from

    These bridges work excellent for replacing banjo bridges and come in standard 5/8 size and other sizes as well. A good maple bridge can make a huge difference in the tone of the banjo.
  • 6-String Bridges
    6-String Bridges

    High Quality 6 String banjo bridges

    High Quality 6 String banjo bridges for Banjo Guitars sometimes called Banjitars, Gitjos or Guitar Banjos.
    We have different heights, 1/2 inch, 5/8 inch standard size, .656 or 21/32 11/16ths and 3/4 inch bridges for 6-string banjos

  • 4-String Bridges
    4-String Bridges

    Banjo Bridge for 4 String Banjos

    Tenor, Irish Tenor and Plectrum Banjos. We have different sizes and bridge heights for 4-string including 1/2 inch, 9/16, 5/8 inch standard, 21/32, 11/16 and even 3/4 inch bridges for a 4-string banjo.

  • Sosebee

    Gary Sosebee really knows banjo tone and has designed custom wood banjo bridges of all sizes.

    Sosebee Banjo Bridges come in 5/8, (5/8 is standard size) 21/32 and 11/16  banjo bridge sizes. Sosebee banjo bridges are also available in "Crowe" wider spacing and in radius for radius banjo necks or fretboards.

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (26)
    Snuffy Smith Banjo Bridges I highly recommend the Snuffy Smith Banjo Bridges. It made a significant improvement in tone on my banjo when I switched to these banjo bridges. A high quality maple banjo bridge will even make a less expensive student model banjo sound a lot better too. Adding or upgrading to a better banjo bridge on any banjo makes a lot of...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (1)
    Kat Eyz Pegged Top Banjo Bridges Made with Snuffy Smith Wood Kat Eyz Style 2 Wood Pegged Top Banjo Bridge Made with Snuffy Smith Wood Snuffy Smith Katz Eys Pegged top banjo bridges sold EXCLUSIVELY at  Pegged top bridges allow better string vibration for better banjo tone!Allows string vibrations to pass through the bridge without...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (2)
    Snuffy Smith Pegged Top Banjo Bridges The new Snuffy Smith pegged banjo bridge combines the original Snuffy Smith with the new technique of adding pegs for the best banjo bridge tone and sound. Upgrading your banjo bridge is a great way to improve your banjo tone dramatically at a very low cost. The new innovation of adding pegs to the top of your banjo...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (1)
    The Deering Smile Banjo Bridge is a curved banjo bridge that fits into the natural curve on a banjo head when under string tension which improves tone, tuning and intonation.This relieves the stress found in a traditional bridge allowing the Smile Bridge to vibrate without constriction. The result is an instantly fuller and more expressive midrange, less...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (5)
    Scorpion Banjo Bridges by Silvio Ferretti Handmade in Italy from aged European maple with ebony top, producing a crisp, clean, warm tone Notes from Silvio Ferretti on his Scorpion Banjo BridgesIf you are a discriminating player, no matter if you've got a 30 plus years experience on the banjo (like me) or not, you will surely agree about the importance...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Tenor and Plectrum 4 Sting Banjo BridgesHigh Quality Maple 4-string Banjo Bridges by Snuffy Smith4-String Tenor and Plectrum -5/8 Standard size Snuffy Smith Bridge4-String Tenor and Plectrum -9/16 Slightly shorter than 5/8 size 4-String Tenor and Plectrum -1/2 size shorter than 9/16 size How to put a bridge on a 4-string banjo video
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Six String Banjo Bridges Handmade Premium Maple Bridge The best six string banjo bridges are by snuffy smith and these six string bridges are only available at These are for any six string banjo including Goldtone GT 750, 500, BT 2000, Electric Banjtars, Dean and other models of 6 string banjos. These bridges will make a dramatic...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Baggs Bridge Banjo PickupL.R. Baggs Bridge Pickup for Banjo - LRB-BANJO Simple to install and has GREAT sound.The LR Baggs Banjo Pickup is a bridge banjo pickup that is built right into the bridge. The unique Baggs banjo bridge pickup design produces plenty of volume and a clean acoustic sound. The convenience, ease of installation and more natural...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Standard Size 5/8 Maple Banjo Bridge This is a high quality maple banjo bridge in the standard 5/8 size that also has the special compensated G (3rd string) for better intonation.This bridge is a perfect replacement for any banjo. Its not the highest quality but it's a good one and more reasonably priced then the premium handmade bridges we sell....
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    The Nick Banjo Bridge The Nick Bridge is a handmade custom 5-string bluegrass banjo bridge made by well known bridge maker David Wadsworth that produces excellent banjo tone.Having the best banjo bridge on your banjo has a dramatic affect on the tone, tuning and clarity of your banjo. The Nick Bridge is hand made for me with my requested specifications...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    4-String Maple Banjo Bridge from Gold Ton Quality Banjo Bridge from Gold Tone - 4 string 5/8 size
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    GROVER BANJO BRIDGES 5/8 For 5-string bluegrassGrover is a tried and true maple banjo bridge from way back. We have them in several sizes for both 5 string and 4 string banjos.Grover Banjo Bridge is a tried and true banjo bridge from way back.I used Grover banjo bridges for years and they always worked well. If you want a good sounding basic banjo...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Snuffy Smith Radius Banjo bridges for banjos with a radius neck/fingerboard High quality maple Snuffy Smith banjo bridges now available for banjos with a radius or curved fretboard. These banjo bridges are cut for full sound and strong bass response. We have them available in the standard 5/8 size, the next size up which is 21/32 and the next higher...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    High Quality Wood Banjo Bridges from Many sizes and types of maple wood bridges with ebony top for banjo to choose from. We have 5 string bluegrass and old time, 4 -string tenor/plectrum for dixieland, irish/celtic and swing styles and also 6-string banjo guitar or "banjitar" bridges available at a low cost too. Here you can choose from...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (3)
    Crowe Spaced Wider String Spacing 5-string Banjo Bridges Strings further apart to make it easier to play banjo Wider bridge spacing for banjo players with bigger fingers or pickers that prefer the wider spacing.Legendary banjo player JD Crowe preferred wider spacing and helped develop the wider spaced bridge size.Available in 4 sizes:5/8ths, .656,...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Snuffy Smith Left Handed Premium Banjo Bridges Snuffy Smith Left Handed Bridges for Banjo Premium left handed banjo bridges from Snuffy Smith for 5-string bluegrass banjos. Now lefty banjo players can improve banjo tone with these custom hand made banjo bridges for left handed banjo players easily too!I highly recommend the Snuffy Smith Banjo Bridges....
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Replacement Deering Maple Banjo Bridge for Banjo Sold Separately at Replace your Deering Banjo Bridge or improve the tone of other beginner Banjos by replacing your bridge with a better sounding Deering Maple Banjo Bridge.These are the same high quality banjo bridges used on Deering Goodtime Artisan Banjos.The bridge is where the tone...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Top Quality Wood Banjo Bridges from Many sizes and types of wood bridges for banjo to choose from. We have 5 string bluegrass and oldtime, 4 -string tenor/plectrum for dixieland, irish/celtic and swing styles and also 6-string banjo guitar or "banjitar" bridges available at a low cost too. Here you can choose from 5-string, 4-string, or...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    4-string Banjo Bridges from Grover at Grover makes quality 4-string banjo bridges for Irish tenor banjos, 4-string plectrum banjos and 19 fret tenor banjos as well as bluegrass or clawhammer 5 string banjos.Grover is a great sounding maple banjo bridge with a proven track record for many years and reasonably priced. We have them in...
Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items

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