
Last Product Reviews RSS Feed

High Quality Leather Banjo Strap Resonator Banjos
The strap is really nice, minimalist just the way I like it! I like this strap over my Deering delu ...
Nick Picks Best Tone and Comfort
I had a little trouble with these but it was operator error. Once I spread them out a bit and slid t ...
Snuffy Smith Bridge for 5-String Banjos
The strings have a whole new brightness and depth of tone and sustain. Wow, it is almost like I was ...
Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
Hello Ross, and crew! Been playing my RK75 since last May now, and just received a set of Nick Picks ...
Cheat-A-Keys Cam D-Tuners for Banjo
Everything has arrived well 2 days ago - ultra speedy transatlantic shipment, fantastic items, best ...
Gold Tone OB-250 Plus with JLS Tone Ring
Great banjo,just received it a couple days ago and it looks and sounds great. Thanks Ross for all yo ...
Wood Banjo Armrest Curly Maple One Size Fits All Glossy or Satin
I just received my armrest in perfect condition,I put on in like 4 minutes! I love it much bette ...

E-Books You Download 

Banjo Digital E-Books with CD Audio

E-Books and CD Tracks you can download immediately after you purchase

Banjo Teacher proudly provides banjo e-books online for download. We also provide banjo cd’s online, which you can download immediately following purchase.
You save on the price of the books because there are no shipping charges and you g...

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Ross Nickerson Downloadable Banjo Books with CD Audio You save on the price of the books because there are no shipping charges. Also included with the E-Books are the CD audio to download with the lessons played slow and fast for easier learning. Ross Nickerson Books with CD Audio available right away are:Fundamentals of Five String Banjo - 54 page...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (2)
    The Banjo Song Book - Download E-Book with CD Audio Learn 12 popular banjo songs including Dueling Banjos, Foggy Mn Breakdown and Ballad of Jed Clampett. Special learning tips for each song along with slow medium and fast demonstrations on the CD tracks. Tab includes, chords, right and left hand fingering as well as accent marks for melody notes. The...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (1)
    Scruggs Style Instruction for 5-String Banjo Hear Ross Nickerson perform six Earl Scruggs banjo classics at two speeds followed by detailed instruction with many Scruggs' Style insights and tips. Hear hard to get licks slowed down and get banjo instruction from someone that knows how to help you build a foundation. The valuable lessons on Scruggs banjo...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (7)
    Increase Your Banjo Picking Speed and Technique How to Build Your Speed on the Banjo - by Ross Nickerson Learn how to improve your picking speed and overall technique. Get valuable practice tips, improve your timing and learn new drills to build up your coordination and muscle memory. You also get rhythm tracks to practice along with and learn the song...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (1)
    Joy of Christmas Banjo Tablature E-Book with CD Tracks Joy of Christmas Tablature Book in PDF with CD tracks you can easily download and play.Save on shipping! No waitingNow available for immediate downloadExcellent option for our overseas customersIncluded with the complete detailed Tablature book are the songs recorded by Ross...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Beginner Banjo Book - View and Download - Immediate Access Fundamentals of 5-string Banjo by Ross Nickerson - E-Book and Audio Save Time and Money - View or Download the E-Book and Audio right away with no shipping costs.View and Download Ross Nickerson's complete beginner banjo book. Fundamentals of 5-string Banjo with split screen closeup Video and...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Play Banjo Along With a Backup Band - Downloadable E-Book and CD Audio Rhythm Backup Band Play Along - Volume 1 Make Practice Fun! Learn to play with others on banjo with your own backup band! Practice banjo songs over and over with this Bluegrass Backup Band CD. Practicing banjo by playing along gives you the experience confidence you need to play...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Play Banjo Along With a Backup Band - Downloadable E-Book and CD Audio Play along with a bluegrass band and get repetitive muscle memory practice on these fun standards. You can do this for hours and nothing is better for your playing. Each song is demonstrated at three tempos with a backup band to practice along with. In addition to the tab, the book...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Gospel songs for Banjo - Favorite Gospel Tunes on Banjo Gospel Songs for Banjo is a collection of popular Gospel Songs arranged by banjo master Ross Nickerson Now you can learn 5-string bluegrass banjo Gospel songs instantly from Ross Nickerson by downloading at his website. Purchasing this way you receive a discount and there are no shipping costs....
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Blazing the West CD and Note for Note Tablature Book Downloadable E-Book and CD Version Easy to read tab with tips on learning the songs, backup tips, notes on each song of Ross Nickerson's award winning CD Blazing the West. The tablature book includes all the solos tabbed out from this critically acclaimed CD as well as backup tips, tips on learning...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Note for note transcriptions of all the Ross Nickerson solos from Lets Kick It. Meticulously transcribed with easy to read tab right down to the last bend, hammer-on, pull-off and slide.The disc IS incredible ... Fantastic banjo tracks brilliantly played! Really enjoy the music Ross, thanks very much. If only I could play half as good as you one day I...
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items

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