Reviews on Banjo Accessories
Reviews for banjo accessories, like banjo picks, straps for banjo, banjo capos, banjo stands, tuning pegs for banjo, banjo bridges and other banjo supplies.
...Howdy Kathy and Ross, I have recently put the capo and strap to use on an uncut 30's TB-11 conversion. Really grateful to have such a professional instrument all around. The capo and strap are great. I will message Bill and let him know as well.n Thanks for the making available these products and for the excellent service, Happy New Year and Happy Pickin, Blake Candy
....Delivery was very prompt. The thumbpicks fit very well and the cobalt picks work well also. Thank you Ross
We received our cheat-a- keys today around noon and have them installed ,,They work great,,,,, Thanks again Ross,,,,
A Bit of Fun with Cheat-A-Keys Cam-Banjo D-Tuners.....These tuners are a lot of fun. I was previously using slides to approximate the tunings but I'm sure that isn't what Earl intended. To do it right, you need tuners of some kind, and these work great for me. I have used them on both the Deering Goodtime Special and the Deering Sierra and have checked tunings with chromatic tuners - spot on! Excellent engineering, with the added bonus that it transfers to my other instruments. Thank you.
Beautiful Strap that will last a lifetime
....Love this high quality leather Banjo strap. It is excellent quality and smells like leather. Nothing on this strap to scratch your instrument and is adjustable. Very comfortable, nice color. Strap is excellent leather quality.
....Hi Ross, My order just came in. The all leather strap is excellent leather quality (I used to hand tool/carve out of sides of leather so I know something about it). It attached and adjusted easily. Really a good idea, that leather looping through leather adjustment. It came in just in time to show it off tonight at the Friday night jam. That $10 banjo stand is nice an compact to tote along and is more stable than using my guitar stand.
Banjo Stand, just right for a heavy banjo
.... Ross, I got the order yesterday. Thank you. I like the banjo stand, a good design, love the closed cell neoprene padding & low center of gravity, and just right for a heavy banjo
....Hi Ross, I have to say the bridge and my rk-35 are a very good match. It brought up the volume, but most of all it give it a really nice sound, even the guys in the band noticed. Thank you very kindly Sir for your help!
Someone who cares about their customers
....Hi Kathy I just got a call from the Post Office, they found the lost package and said its in my box. I'll pick it up in about an hour. Thanks for your help, you did good. It is a blessing to deal with someone who cares about their customers in this day and age. Thank you again
Kindest regards - South Australia G'day Kathy, how are ya, I received my package of banjo strings last Tuesday and am very happy with them so thank you for your excellent service and will definitely buy from you again.
Fantastic Mute... I couldnt believe the mute worked so well... as I live in an apartment complex. Even with the mute the banjo kept a fantastic tone.
PLANET WAVES MINI HEADSTOCK TUNER Used this mini tuner for several months now. Really like that it is kept out of audience view so as not to distract, because I like to keep it on for a quick tune. It seems to be more accurate than others I have tried. You know how the banjo head picks up ambient tones from other instruments. This tuner performs much better under those conditions. Thanks for the variety of good stuff you continue to bring to your site. Dennis