Updates Page
Updates Page
This page relates to any revisions, upgrades, corrections or changes related to my instructional materials. I am always working on new ideas and I enjoy improving what I already have. When I find a correction or make an improvement it keeps me awake at night thinking of the customers who don't have the newest version, or might have a book missing a correction I've found. Please feel free to contact me for the latest versions of items you may have purchased in the past. It would be best if you could provide me with your original email confirmation of what you ordered when asking for updates. If you do not have it, I will accept requests based on the information you can provide. If you have purchased a hard copy book that has a new update, I can send you a PDF copy by email that you can print out the corrected page or the whole book if you want. I also am offering upgraded DVDs and CDs at discounts to past customers so you can receive credit for purchasing an earlier version of my materials and get the upgraded version for less.
General Information you should know: If you purchased Online Lessons, E-Books or any other downloadable lesson and any time in the past that you received a username, password and link for, those usernames and passwords are good indefinitely. So what that boils down to is, if you bought the lesson say two years ago, and in the mean time I have done some upgrades to those lessons, you can return to those download pages and download the newer versions.
Here are some updates
I've updated all the Online Lesons by embedding the videos into the page. This makes them much easier to use online and keeps it from being necessary to download the large video files. If you have purchased Online Lessons in the past and can not find your link, username and password, email us and let us know.
Gospel Songs for Banjo
There was a mistake in the duplication of the audio CD relating to the song order that has been corrected. Any students who purchased the Gospel Songs for Banjo Book with CD and DVD that would like a new free copy of the CD, please email us
Scruggs Style Hard Copy and E-Book
The tabs were reset in the Scruggs Style book using the Tabledit tab program. They read easier now. Anyone who has bought this book at any time in either Hard Copy or E-Book form is eligible for the updated PDF. Email me for the new version
I fixed page 9 of the new tab version of the Scruggs Style Instruction for Banjo Book, two measures were left out in the third solo. Email for the fixed version
Rhythm Backup Band Rhythm Play Along CD and Books Volume 1 and 2
I filmed DVDs for both of these books in January, 2008. I also had the CD re-mastered, (the bass was boomy) and upgraded the books too. If you have the older versions with the older CD, no DVD and non revised book, I can send the PDF for free, the CD for 5.00 more and the dvd for 15.00 more. I have not made the purchase links yet, if you want any of those email me.
New DVDs filmed/available to past customers at a discount
I re-filmed new DVDs in higher quality split screen for several of my books as of Jan-08. The books are, Beginning The Five String Banjo. The Banjo Song Book, Rhythm Backup Band Play Along Volume 1 and 2. Any of these can be purchased separately for 10.00 if you have purchased an older version previously. I can also send the upgraded book that match the new dvds in PDF form for free.
CDs now offered for The Gospel DVD set and Christmas DVD set
Previously when purchasing either the Gospel DVD set, or the Christmas DVD set, there was no CD included. I have just made CDs available for both of those at the cost of 5.00 each for customers who bought the previous versions. I have not made the purchase links yet, if you want any of those email me.
New and Upgraded Online Lessons available for past customers
I have upgraded all my Online Lessons in the past year. In addition to the windows movie versions, they are all now in flash format now for better quality. Also I have more songs and the videos are all in split screen. If you had purchased Online Lessons anytime before February 2008 I highly recommend you return to the links you received when you purchased the lessons and re-download at no extra cost the newer versions. Those customers who bought the all 18 songs option in the past will now get the newer split screen versions and an additional 6 songs at no extra cost.
Hard Copy CDR Discs now available for Online Lessons
CCorrections made on Online Lessons
If you purchased before the date shown next to the correction, you
can return to the download page and get the corrected versions.
Corrected Jesse James Song Lesson Tabs 6/08
Corrected missing two measures of the Dueling Banjo PDF tab (PDF version only was incorrect) 6/08
Other New Items
Online Lesson, E-Books and Membership subscriptions are now available immediately after purchase with no waiting to receive a username and password.
Tab for my version of Stairway to Heaven is available to present members when they renew for at least a one-year details
Banjo Songs for Beginners Book/CD/ DVD set
Fundamentals of Five String Banjo Book/CD/DVD set
Children's Songs E-Book with CD tracks/Coming soon