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What is Zero Glide? Zero Glide Banjo Comparison

Posted on8 Years ago by

What is the Zero Glide Nut for Banjo and Guitar?

Questions Answered - Comparison Video with and without Zero Glide

I like most banjo players wanted to know what all the buzz was about the Zero Glide Nut got banjo. I heard about it for quite sometime before having an opportunity to experience what it does for your banjo.  I consider myself always open to new ideas and improvements but I had a normal responses in the back of my head, like, is this just a gimmick? or my banjo sounds good already or if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Finally when I got my studio and shop built I ordered in some Zero Glide Nuts from Wayne Rogers at Gold Tone who invented and produces the Zero Glide Nut System.

I took an Recording King R 36 Bluegrass Banjo, set it up and it sounded great. I then shot a quick video of me playing a song or two. Then we took the banjo in the other room and installed the Zero Glide Nut and shot the same songs on video. I was blown away, it really made a big improvement. Since then I have been encouraging my students and customers that if they can, they should. Its not a very expensive upgrade and it paid big dividends.

I included the video below along with an installation video for the zero glide nut.

Since then I have seen over and over dramatic improvement in tone on all the banjos we have installed it on. Recording Kings, Gold Tone and Gold Star Banjos. These are banjos we carry here but it will have the same affect on any banjo you install it on.

Over the years I have become a big believer in improving the tone of your banjo from the bottom up before switching banjos or questioning how good the tone is on your banjo. These things have a huge impact on your tone, besides the obvious which is head tension, the bridge, the picks you use, tailpiece type and tension, string gauges, and now a zero glide. Of all these I mentioned, the bridge and zero glide have the most dramatic affect on banjo tone.

Zero Glide Nut Banjo Comparison Video: Ross Nickerson Video demonstrating the RK R 36 with and without The Zero Glide Nut on the same day, playing the same song using the same banjo.

Zero Glide Installation Video

Zero Glide Nut Systems
More info on Zero Glide for banjo purchase with self installation

Zero Glide is available as an option on all our Banjos. Regular installation Price is 75.00 but many banjos its reduced to only $49.
If its not listed on a banjo you would like it on. email us or call us. contact-us

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