Loop to Learn - App to Slow Down You Tube Video and Audio
What an amazing App for Banjo Players
Loop2Learn Slows down and YouTube Video without Changing the Pitch:
I can't begin to tell you what I would have done for a technological tool like this 30 or 40 years ago. I come from the generation that wore grooves in Earl Scruggs Records playing them at 16 speed, and that was if you even had the record or could find one to buy.
Just that statement alone explains why Wayne Rogers owner and Creator of GoldTone Banjos created this application for Iphones and Smart Phones. He is from the same generation! Given the level of inspiration he has to help banjo players and because his business has been a success, he made it happen, for you!
The Loop 2 Learn app is amazing. As a banjo player this type of software makes all the difference in the world because of the tempos we play at.
All you do is go on to YouTube, pick out your favorite banjo video that you want to learn something from and voila, with a couple of pokes of your finger, you have the video and audio slowed down to .4 of the speed its going at. Then you can loop even the shortest section over and over till you get it.
I have been using the app whenever I practice. My hobby is learning Flamenco Guitar Songs on the banjo and this practically made the impossible, possible for me. Flamenco guitar and banjo have a lot in common. The one main common thread is the speed the notes come out at. When you can slow down Johannes Linstead to a crawl and loop it, it literally makes something that is annoying and practically impossible to try to learn, POSSIBLE!...and FUN too!
The Loop2Learn cost 1.99. Seriously? When I first started BanjoTeacher.com we were one of the first to sell software called the Transkriber for banjo players. John Lawless at Acutab was first, we sold it for about 10 years until the inventor mysteriously disappeared. That was an amazing advancement that I and many banjo players were grateful for. I think it sold for $45 The Loop2Learn is so much easier to use and $4.99, really? I still cant get over that, I would certainly pay a lot more for it. But hey, its a competitive world and we are all spoiled rotten so for heaven's sake take advantage of this opportunity dropped into your lap by Wayne and get Loop2Learn.
Key features of Loop2Learn are:
- It can play and loop any video from YouTube or your own device.
- The speed of the video can be slowed down up to 60% or increased up to 200%.
- The loop can be saved, with all its settings, for more practice sessions in the future.
The Loop2Learn video looper app is now available for download on the App Store and Google Play - Only having to have your phone next to you while using this app while practicing actually makes this even easier and more productive to use. Unless it rings of course. If it does, remember to resist and keep practicing!
To get the app, you go to your app store on your phone or tablet and type in - loop2learn - to find it. the title uses the numeral 2
The Loop2Learn App could be used effectively with any of my instruction videos. All of my Online Lesson Banjo Videos are loaded as private Youtube videos. As long as you have the Youtube link you can slow it down even more and loop it over and over till you got it.
I have Advanced Tablature arrangement Online Lessons. These are videos I just played freely on and I later had transcribed for me. The arrangements are harder than most tabs for sure but one of the reason they are considered advanced banjo lessons is that the video is not slowed down for the student. You do have the tab but not a video of me demonstrating it slow. Well, that is until now, if you pasted the link to any of those videos into Loop2Learn you would instantly have the ability to slow it down to less than half the speed and loop the part you are learning.
This is one of the videos I offer that would work great with Loop2Learn
thanks again, Ross
"Loop2Learn ushers in the next step in home learning." -Chuck Levy, Banjo Newsletter
Watch. Loop.
Learn. Repeat.

Loop a part of any video (either from Youtube, or your device) and watch it over and over again to learn from it. No more dragging the playhead.
“The importance of repetition until automaticity cannot be overstated. Repetition is the key to learning.” John Wooden
Loop2Learn has recently launched a mobile application for iOS and Android; a video looper that allows musicians to loop specific sections of the videos of their favorite performances to make learning and practicing along faster and easier. The newly-launched video looper app is now available for download on the App Store and Google Play, allowing you to take your learning experiences anywhere!
Or From Your Device
Record a concert or performance, then go home and learn the song, part by part.
Then Slow It Down
Slow the video down up to 60% to master those difficult passages.