How to Put Strings on a Banjo
Here is a free video on how to put strings on a banjo. The video also includes tips on putting a bridge on a banjo and tightening the banjo head.
Changing strings on a banjo is not hard once you've done it once or twice.
Be sure to change the strings one at a time so the bridge will stay in place, and it will be easier to tune up.One of the most important things to do when changing strings is to stretch them so they stay in tune. After you put the string on, and as you tighten the string, pull on the string and stretch it. Then, after the string is tightened and tuned, stretch on it some more, and then re-tune, Keep repeating this process of stretching the string and retuning until the string stays in tune after you stretch it. This will help keep your banjo in tune for the life of the strings.
If you do not do this, it is likely that the string will need to be re-tuned often or much more often for as long as you have those strings on the banjo.
Watch my video below which shows how to wind the banjo string on the post, secure it and stretch the strings.
Thanks, Ross Nickerson
This video is an excerpt from the DVD that is included with Beginning the Five String Banjo
A 64 page Book with two CDs and DVD
Banjo Strings / Tools for tightening a banjo head / Tuning the Banjo
We carry GHS bluegrass banjo strings in many different gauges, also plectrum, tenor and ball end banjo strings
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