Free Beginner Banjo E-Book for New Mailing List Members
Posted on8 Years ago
Ross Nickerson
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Some of the items the member's site includes: - Online Banjo Lessons - Song Lessons with tab - 48 archived lessons - 25% discounts on instruction items. - Discounts on selected accessories - Ask the Banjo teacher Columns - Banjo Encyclopedia Tips/Videos and Miscellaneous Tabs - Video Lessons & performance videos you can download Click here for details
 Save / Free Shipping - Three DVD's from Ross Nickerson
Ross Nickerson introduces three new banjo instruction DVDs How To Practice, Timing and Backup, Different Keys Click here for more details on the new DVD's

Banjo Discounts and Free Shipping - Best Beginner Banjos and Beginner Banjo Kits
Our Beginner Banjo Kit includes a Comprehensive 52 page Beginner Banjo Book with a beginner banjo DVD and two audio CDs. Also included set of banjo picks, a clip-on chromatic banjo tuner, a spare set of banjo strings and a banjo strap. Beginners Banjo Kit - $79.00 value
The 'Ultimate" Banjo Mute A way of practicing quiet on the banjo! It provides a quiet, sustaining tone. It is easy to install and uninstall and fastens securely on the bridge.This banjo dampener will not vibrate loose and his adjustable for all bridge widths. It fits four, five & six string banjos and slides right across the bridge under the strings.The best mute I've seen, especially for the price. Ross Nickerson Click here for details
Past Monthly Sale Item - How to Build Your Speed on the Banjo - Book or E-Book Learn how to make everything you play sound better while increasing your speed and overall ability. Get valuable insights on right hand technique, practice habits, and tips that will save you hours of practice time and move you forward towards your goals. Find out why so many banjo students have purchased and benefited from this specialized instruction method.
Click here for details
Special Combined Online Lessons
Banjo Lessons online you can download on to your computer immediately after purchasing from Ross Nickerson. Two Lessons specially combined for this month's newsletter Learning the Chords Up and Down the Neck 23 minutes of detailed instruction Essential "Must Know" Scruggs Style Licks details
This Month's Sale Item - Two instructional DVD's 
The content on the DVDs are just what banjo students are looking for to reach the next level. Nickerson's instruction targets reducing dependency on tablature, learning to play by ear, learning how to play a song using the chords, where the chords are, how to recover from mistakes, jam and play along with others.
Ross, You have hit a double home run! The DVD's are excellent, ....I've never had so much fun practicing!
Click here for details on these DVDs
 Nick Picks
More details on Nick Picks |
Banjo Safari
Can you believe this? A full African Safari and Banjo workshop combined into a once in a life time experience. Spend your mornings and late afternoons exploring the wildlife of South Africa, and your mid day will be filled with a banjo workshop that will be fun and rewarding. This will be amazing. Be one of the small group that will experience this! click here for more information |
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