I'm finding your DVDs, CDs, etc. very useful and am pleased to have them. I have a question about the rolls information in your Fundamentals program that came up for me when I first got into that material. I didn't ask this when I started as I thought it was too basic or obvious a question but it keeps coming to mind so here goes: My understanding of rolls is that they serve an ongoing, background rhythm purpose so, as the term suggests, they roll on and on and on. Several of the rolls you present have one measure of eight notes with the second measure ending in quarter/half notes (I don't have the book with me and may not be using the right term for the secRead More
How did you go from beginning to professional? There is one thing that I would like to offer as a question and that is, have you considered writing an article about how you progressed playing the banjo from the beginning through intermediate, and advance play, before becoming professional? I'm sure countless aspiring banjo players would be interested in how you went about going from a novice banjo player to an expert today. For example, I, for one, would be interested in knowing how often and for how long did you practice, your approach to learning, and your daily practice routine. Read More
That is important first question for those of you are itching to take up the fun of playing 5 string bluegrass banjo. In my years of teaching the banjo and also handling much of the customer service at BanjoTeacher.com, the question “Is learning banjo hard?” or “how hard is it to play the banjo” is one that comes up a lot and often first!Read More
I received my banjo and materials very quickly. Thanks for the quick service! Your book and DVD (Fundamentals of 5-String Banjo) are invaluable resources for the beginning student. My problem is I'm not sure exactly how quickly to move forward or how long I should practice one thing. Should I learn one roll until Read More
When you attach a banjo strap it is normally best to attach it to the head tightening brackets. First attach it below the neck on the side closest to the floor around the second bracket down. This will support that neck. On the other side. I attach it one or two brackets below the tailpiece.Read More
Is there a preferred bending of the finger tips? Should they be bent to where they are 45 degrees to your finger nails or left as they are when you take them out of the pack?There seems to be as many answers as there are stars in the sky. I just want to know if there is a mechanically best method so I don't have to change later. Read More
Here is a copy of a quick note I sent to a student who was learning a lot from the Banjo Encyclopedia but also felt a little overwhelmed by all the material.Read More
In your years of playing the banjo , do you find it usefull to have a 5th sting sliding capo bar? I not sure if I should have one mounted ,if it is not really needed. Read More
Here are some tips on how to change banjo strings that I’ve learned and taught over the years. It’s a very good idea that you change your strings regularly so your banjo will sound it’s best and will stay in tune. Regularly is dependent on how often you play, the climate you live in, whether you keep the banjo covered or leave it out and if you wipeRead More
As a relative newbie to the banjo, I've got a question that pertains to the Banjo Encyclopedia's 3rd chapter on left handed technique. Here's my question. If you could only practice one part of that chapter (for about 15 min) everyday, which part would it be? I know it somewhat depends on the needs of the student, but I'm just wondering which part of this chapter I'll be truely glad I worked diligently on a year from now. Also, please relate any really really important left handed techniques that you did not mention in BE, if there are any. ThanksRead More
I always am interested in opinions on whether one should try to pick with even spacing (time) between notes or a slightly different spacing resulting in a “bouncy” rhythm. I have noticed listening to your monthly songs that on most you seem to have an even spacing between notes even at the slow speed resulting in the so called “machine gun” sound.Read More
Playing your banjo along with a You Tube video, DVD, CD or MP3 recording is not only loads of fun but a much more productive way of practicing banjo with few exceptions. One of the key elements in becoming a good banjo player is repetitions. The muscle memory you develop in repetitions helps you developing banjo tone, skill, speed, timing and the ability to improvise when you lose your place.Read More
I am a beginner/newly intermediate banjo player and am having a very difficult time with chords.Read More
Question Hi Ross, I have a question about playing the Cumberland Gap up the neck break. I'm having trouble with the pinky finger hitting the 11th fret, 2nd string right. Is there a pearl of wisdom for this?Read More
I can play most chord forms pretty well at this point, but have never comfortably mastered the full D chord—in fact, I’m not very content with how I play it at all. This is certainly an important chord shape that is essential to basic bluegrass music, especially up-the-neck playing. Here’s my question—what can I do to improve my ability to accurately transition to this chord form (I know, practice, practice, practice)? Do you have something specific that you can recommend?Read More
I have been struggling to get part of "Old Time Religion" to sound right, and I think I may have figured out why. Perhaps this has to do with me being left-handed, and I am not seeing something correctly to translate it from righty to lefty. or maybe it's something else. Read More
Here is a free video on how to put strings on a banjo. The video also includes tips on putting a bridge on a banjo and tightening the banjo head. Changing strings on a banjo is not hard once you've done it once or twice. Be sure to change ths strings one at a time so the bridge will stay in place, and it will be easier to tune up. One of the most important things to do when chaRead More
Learning how to tune a banjo easily and quickly is one of the first steps in learning to play the banjo and I am here to lend a few tips to help you get the job done. To get the notes to tuneRead More
Answer to a student question on which finger to use when playing a standard lick up the neck. The article includes the answer along with some straight forward advice on improving your left hand ability when practicing your banjo.Read More
I have been reading through several pages of your "Banjo Encyclopedia," and, I've got to say this is a pinnacle text. Over the years, I've collected dozens of instructional books, almost all of which I set aside after realizing they were not comprehensive...just tabs. You've done it! I feel you passion in your text, and in your playing. You have done the "banjo world of players" a great service...cudos! Wow! Thanks for the compliments. I am alwayRead More
Just wanted to thank you again and let you know how productive the cruise workshop was for me. I have been playing about two hours a day in the month since we’ve been back and am seeing improvement in most areas. I’m mostly practicing the two-finger chord positions, playing in thirds and sixths, and doing left and right hand exercises out of the Banjo Encyclopedia, which is very well done I must say. My only source of frustration right now is that no matter how muRead More
Reviews of Ross Nickerson Banjo Books CDs and DVDsRoss, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I learned more from your book and tapes in an hour, than in nine months with other sources. I am 64 and was beginning to doubt that I could ever learn to play the banjo. Read More
One of my online students sent me this nice message and also an MP3 recording of his progress. I think he is doing well so I sent back some encouragement and some tips that might be helpful to my blog readers as well. Here is the letter.I bought a banjo the last week of March this year. I’ve been amazed at how far I’ve come since then thanks to books like yours (I’m entirely self taught). I attached an mp3 of a song I just recorded today. I’ve got a friend who plays guitar and I was recording it so he could practice with it. Thought you might like to hear what someone with your books and 7 months of practice can do.Read More
Learning 5-string banjo chords is easier than you might think. It really just takes focused practice, exercise and repetition. Often banjo players struggle with learning chords simply because they most often gravitate to practicing picking and simply do not take the time build skill in the fretting hand..Read More
Try reading The Banjo Encyclopedia without playing to get some further understanding of what is being presented. A lot of students say that has helped them. Try to gain more of the big picture before you dive into playing, it will likely save you valuable practice time.Read More
When I wrote Slide Mountain I had demonstrating how to play slides on the banjo on my mind. I purposely get a little carried away with it. I hope you don’t mind me stretching out a bit and having some fun. I have a lesson for getting started sliding into chords below. I posted 4 more versions of the same song below the lesson too. I hope you have some fun with it. Thanks! Happy Picking, NickRead More
How to Play, Tune and Set up a Resophonic Banjo or "Dojo"Learn more about how to play a Resophonic banjo or "Dojo". Recommended strings to use, tips on tone, alternative tunings and other insights into transitioning from a normal 5-string bluegrass banjo using 3 finger Scruggs style technique to playing a Dojo, Resophonic Banjo or ResNick. Read More
Banjo Advice Beverly Hillbilly's / Jed ClampetLearning the Beverly Hillbillies theme on banjo Student Question: The D chord part in The Ballad of Jed Clampet Read More
Being a lefty and wanting to learn to play banjo can present a few challenges. One is deciding whether to start off playing banjo left handed or right handed. I am asked that question fairly frequently from new students asking me for advice. What I would do if I was standing right there in front of them is hand them a banjo and see which way they go with it. I don't think this is a cerebral decision or even something that should be followed on the advice of others. The bottom line is it has to feel natural and comfortable. Often our quickest reactions or "gut" reactions are the most dependable and solid. That is why I would try to distract the student and hand it to them so I could see their "natural" reaction and which way they held it..... Read More
As I'm practicing chords and my chord progressions on banjo, Should I try to find the chords closest to each other on the neck. or try to pick up and down the neck or try pick different shapes.I get a little confused trying to pick out say which D to go to Good question actually. I normally suggest finding the ones closest to each other when you learning and finding them. Read More
A question on the middle finger not cooperating I am a member and I have a question for you. I started playing last June and my middle finger wants to move up away from the strings when I strike the other strings with my thumb and middle finger. Is they any way of trying to correct this. Maybe some exercise. Anything advise would be greatly appreciated. Read More
Most Accurate Tab for Dueling Banjos by Ross Nickerson I’ve transcribed Dueling Banjos note for note from the original Deliverance Movie Soundtrack as played by Eric Weisberg. Eric’s playing of this song along with the worldwide exposure from the movie and radio airplay can be credited with spawning a generation of players to take up the banjo. I still have students arrive at my door or at my website BanjoTeacher.com because they heard Dueling Banjos and want with every fiber in their body to make that sound!Read More
As a relative newbie to the banjo, I've got a question that pertains to the Banjo Encyclopedia's 3rd chapter on left handed technique. Here's my question.Read More
Here are the notes to tune a banjo to and also the notes used for different tuning options on a banjo. The tunings we have the notes for are Standard G open bluegrass tuning. C Tuning bluegrass, Bluegrass D tuning, Double C tuning, G minor tuning and Low Open E tuning. Read More
Ross, I'm really enjoying my lessons so far. I feel like I have the forward roll down pretty well and am ready to move on to the other roll patterns. I felt like I had a teacher sitting right in front of me. Thanks for creating such an awesome site! Read More
Ask the BanjoTeacher questions - Questions from students and customers sent to Ross Nickerson Hi Ross, Would you please send me photos of the new banjos when they arrive? The EK76 and RK-85? I have a couple questions, What is the Snuffy Smith bridge? How do you set them up for the best sound? I read somewhere that replacing the head will greatly improve the sound. Any comments?Read More
Question about the best products to learn from someone who is frustrated with keeping up with the tracks in the How to Build Your Speed on the Banjo BookThe new backup play along CDs are probably the best banjo practice advice I could give for improving playing the songs you know, They are much slower than the Speed book tracks. The fRead More
Playing in the the key of D and playing by ear Here are some suggestions I just sent to a student preparing to attend an upcoming workshop of mine. I don't always have time for this but was inspired tonight. The suggestions might help you too so I'll share them.Read More
I've been playing banjo for a few months now. Been picking it up pretty well! However, I play rather unconventionally. The 5th peg came off while I was learning basic chords, ended up keeping it with 4 and rocking the tuning D-G-B-E. I like it because I can play along to most songs without having to transpose in anyway or whatnot.Read More
Playing the Melody on Banjo A question on how to learn to pick out the melody notes. So you have any suggestions that would help me learn how to just pick the melody notes out when learning a tune or is it just learn the notes on the fret board?Read More
One of the challenges to learning and playing bluegrass banjo is to learn correct technique so you can keep up with the fast tempos so many bluegrass songs have.One of the tricks to playing consecutive 1/8 notes on a banjo is alternating your fingers. If you are playing 1/4 notes it's no problem to use the same finger twice in a row, but on a fast stream of 1/8 notes in an up tempo bluegrass song, using a different finger for each note is how it's accomplished.When playing the melody in 3 finger bluegrass Scruggs Style is don't let the index finger drive the bus. The thumb leads the way.Read More
Learning new techniques and new songs has been the driving force for me to play every day and your Website has added a new dimension to my quest. I've watched your newest video of "Boil Them Cabbage Down" and thoroughly enjoy the style you've created with that song. I know a simple version of that song but would love to get my hands on the tab from your video.Read More
Banjo Practice Habits and Techniques Class HandoutsBelow are links to handouts that you can downloadRead More
Here are tips on practicing banjo with CDs, backup bands and Backing Tracks to increase your speed, skill and repetitions.Student Question: ...Since I’ve ordered a lot of your material in the past year, i.e, Banjo Encyclopedia, Vol 1 & 2 Play along CD’s, Speed Book, Scruggs Book, etc., I need some advice on practicing. I’ve learned “Dixie Breakdown” cleanly at the slower speed. In addition, I’ve learned Lonesome Road Blues from the Scruggs CD at the slower speed. My question is: should I concentrate on “just” those until I get them at the “breakneck” speed you play them at? ( which is going toRead More
I am member and have been getting much material from your great collections. My question is that I have never practiced the basic banjo rolls and other rolls. I have been playing for about 3 years now and I am learning different songs from many books. I feel like I am learning the forward roll and other rolls better because I use them in alRead More
Question I'm getting better at banjo but the left hand is tough for me right now. I remember you emphasizing it in your workshop. It seems so much easier and 'fun' to work right hand picking techniques. Read More
Ross when i first learned to play i was taught to push off from 3-2 (third string) and have always done that but lacked consistency in sound- and sometimes my middle finger hits the fourth string such that i can hear it. i have the encyclopedia ( which is awesome) and you teach a pull off (3-2). i think it sounds better but i am so used to pushing that it is slow going right now. what do you recommend that i do ? Read More
I have a question in regards to the 3-2 pull off. After experimenting one night, I found that my pull offs were crisper and cleaner if I used my left ring finger instead of my left middle finger to do the pull off. After doing this for a few minutes, I started thinking about the physics of using the ring instead of the middle, and it seemed to makRead More
A featured email question from a student and answer by me, or some advice I have given someone who has requested it. Many of the questions I receive are questions that many students learning the banjo have. I hope the answers and advice I share ring through as sensible to you.Read More
Should I place two fingers on the head? One finger down? If so, which finger? When picking what's the difference between planting two fingers or just one? The advantage? Why put any fingers down?Read More
I spent yesterday at a oldtime music jamboree with about ten different bands playing. I noticed the guitar players when they moved their capos they didn't retune, when I put mine on the banjo it doesn't sound right and appears to be out of tune. Your book (banjo encyclopedia) says I may have to retune with the capo on. My question is if I put the capo on the 2nd fret (key of A) what do I tune the strings to?? I guess this question would be the same for any placement of the capo.Read More
Hi, I purchased a Gold Tone BG-250 F from you a few months ago. Great banjo by the way. I installed the Fishman rare earth pickup in it and was hoping you could give me some insight on a good DI for this set up. I am playing in a full band set-up with electric instruments, drums, etc. I am having trouble getting good volume with control. Is it ideal to use a DI with the Fishman? If so, what do I look for? Thanks for any help you can give me at all.Read More
I get a little bit of an attitude with any issues with the tab related the backup tracks in particular. That's because it's my feeling, and desire for students to get away from the tab with these tracks, to try to fill in the space where they forget, (or the tab is wrong or doesn't suit them:) and practice just picking along really,Read More
Getting in the Zone! By Ross Nickerson I had a very nice email that included compliments on my book The Banjo Encyclopedia. The student also had some interesting comments that inspired an impromptu email I sent back to him with some suggestions and insights that might help some of you as well. Thanks! Ross Nickerson. Read More
Watch a video on how to re-set your banjo bridge. This video goes in to more detail and shows you how to set the bridge so the intonation is correct and the banjo plays in tune up and down the neck. The bridge is placed the same distance from the 12th fret as the distance from the 12th fret to the nut (nut is located where the strings go through at the peg head). The intonation or tuning can be fine tuned with an electronic tuner and using harmonics. This is described and demonstrated in the video.Read More
Banjo Pick Reviews Read More
I am in my mid 50’s and got my first banjo as well as your impressive book “The Banjo Encyclopedia”. I wanted to be sure that I am on right track and to verify that you suggest using the book in the sequence presented which has ‘Right Hand Banjo Instruction ’’ techniques with Rolls prior to “Left Hand” techniques with Chords, etc.Read More
The Banjo Cruise
The Banjo Cruise Workshop is held in a large private conference room that is essentially sound proof and separate from all other passengers. The workshop takes place during the days we are at sea so you can visit all ports and still have plenty of time for fun with your spouse, family or friends while on the cruise. The class sizes are small ensuring that each student receives the assistance and encouragement they need.
Annual Banjo Workshop weekend in Sunny St Pete Beach Florida!
The Academy of Performance Arts with Ross Nickerson
Banjo camp seminar and group banjo lesson workshop in the USA for bluegrass 5-string banjo in Florida at sunny St Pete Beach. This is an annual Florida banjo event and held during the winter months for locals,winter residents and students who want to escape the cold while improving their banjo playing, and having fun doing it.
The Banjo Safari
Join me for an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience traveling to Africa for an African Photo Safari. I am to be teaming up with our professional Safari guides Kevin and Tricia Dooley on an adventure that none of us will forget. We'll spend our mornings and late afternoons exploring the wildlife of South Africa, and the mid day will be filled with a banjo workshop that should be fun and rewarding.
BanjoTeacher.com has been at the forefront of banjo instruction since 2001. In the last 15 years we have helped thousands of people learn to play the banjo online. Our experienced advice and service comes from someone who really cares about your progress.
Banjo Demo Videos for Goldtone Banjos, Recording King, Goldstar, Nechville, Deering. Savannah and Morgan Monroe. See the banjos closeup and hear different models so you can compare better. Most videos include descriptions too. We are adding new videos all the time.
Banjo Reviews for Goldtone Banjos, Recording King Banjos, Morgan Monroe, Electric banjos, six string banjos, bluegrass banjos, clawhammer banjos, travel banjos banjo ukes, 4-string banjos and the many banjos we service and carry. Read reviews from banjo sales in the US, Europe, Canada and Australia.
Questions and answers to student questions and emails. While reading these you should be able to see many questions you have had as well. The answers should be helpful and the questions you read will remind you that you are not alone out there! Email Ross with a question. Contact-us
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Free Banjo Videos and Banjo Lessons from Banjo Master and Teacher, Ross Nickerson. Performance videos including El Cumbanchero, I'll Fly Away, Cherokee Shuffle, Cluck Old Hen, Little Martha and Ross Nickerson with X-Train.
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Click over to our banjo resources pages and see sample videos, video performances, more articles, hear MP3', banjo tablatures and our banjo teacher list for the US, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia. We want you to keep improving and your appreciation and support means a lot to us.