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Banjo Instruction at Banjo Teacher

banjo instructional books
Check out Ross books, DVDs and CDs. He always enjoys sharing his knowledge and helping others to learn to play the banjo. Through years of experience teaching privately and traveling the world to hold group workshops he has listened to his students, and always delivers practical, focused instruction in a personable and easy to follow manner.

Ross has written the top selling banjo book "The Banjo Encyclopedia", “Bluegrass Banjo from A to Z” as well as many other books, cd's and dvd's designed to help you, the banjo student, save time and learn the fun of playing 5-string banjo easier.

check out Ross instructional material

Receive a Big Discount and FREE US Shipping AUTOMATICALLY
when buying more than one Ross Nickerson Book or DVD.
1 Book/DVD $29.95 / 2 Books/DVDs $49.95 / 3 Books/DVDs $69.95
4 Books/DVDs $84 / 5 Books/DVDs $99 / more items = more discounts

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banjos for sale

Banjo Supplies

banjo supplies
Find bluegrass banjo supplies for playing and learning banjo easy.

We have the lowest prices and reasonable deals on equipment. Get ready to play with our banjo tuners, banjo tuning pegs, banjo pickups, and banjo tone rings. Our banjo set up section has everything you need to get ready to go, as well as maintain your banjo.

Once you are all set up and ready to play, you can use our banjo straps, banjo picks, banjo bridges, and more. We pride ourselves on providing high quality banjo accessories to help you along your journey to becoming a great banjo player!


Click the Banner for Special Sale Items this Month!

Banjo Lessons Online at

Full Length DVDs Online

Here are Some Online DVDs to Choose From:

1. Play Banjo By Ear and Learning the Chords - details
2. How to Practice Banjo - details
3. Banjo Jamming and Play Along - details
4. Playing in the Keys of C, D, E, F, and G Up the Neck details
5. Rock Solid Timing and Backup Tips - details

For a Limited Time Receive all of the 5 Online DVDS Listed Above FREE
with our All Online Lessons Special and a Whole Lot More!.
All Online Lessons Special Offer Details

Purchase the "All Online Lessons" at a huge savings and
receive all of our many hours of Online Lessons
AND the 5 Online DVDS listed above FREE.
All Online Lessons Special Offer Details

banjo for sale

Banjos with the Best Prices and Service

Banjos are being built better than ever!
Goldtone, Deering, Nechville, Recording King, Morgan Monroe, Goldstar
See All Banjos

Call Ross directly - He enjoys helping you, that's what he does!

banjos at discounts

Banjo Workshops

banjo workshops
There is nothing more satisfying to a teacher than seeing their students progress and this is the reason why Ross Nickerson is always on the road offering banjo workshops, banjo cruises, banjo safaris and individual and group online video lessons. Always check back here for a list of upcoming events. See you soon!
Banjo Workshops

banjos on sale

Resources available at

free banjo videos
Here you'll find Banjo Lesson Instruction Articles, Song Tabs, Video Lessons, Downloads, Reviews, Information on our Group Banjo Lessons Online, Jammng tips, student questions with my replies on pertinent issues when learning the banjo, link to our monthly newsletter and a whole lot more.

thanksRoss.jpgross nickerson

Special Thanks to My Publisher, Mel Bay.
mel bay banjo books
Thanks again!
( )==='==~


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