Learn the important building blocks of five string banjo technique and some hot banjo licks along the way too from Ross Nickerson
Each video has the must-know examples of these techniques demonstrated slow and fast on video. Each lesson also comes with it's own tablature booklet. Now in even higher quality flash video
Bundle 2 includes these 3 lesson
(see"more Info" below for detailed information)
- Blues Banjo
- Chromatic, Triplets, Hot Licks
- Bending the Strings
There are 9 different important categories of banjo licks in all
Bundle 1 1. Beginnings, Endings & Turnarounds 2. Must Know Scruggs Style 3. Melodic & Single String Style |
Bundle 2 4. Backup Banjo 5. Up the Neck Banjo 6. Slow Banjo Styles |
Bundle 3 7. Blues Banjo 8. Chromatic, Triplets, Hot Licks 9. Bending the Strings |
Purchase all 3 Bundles for $30
Purchase Bundle 3 for $15.00 or use the link above to purchase All 3 Bundles at a Discount
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Blues Banjo In this lesson I use comparison licks much like I did in the Up the Neck lessons to demonstrate how to make a common lick bluesy. I play a common lick the way it is normally played in bluegrass banjo and then demonstrate a simple way to make it sound darker, bluesy and ass kicking. I also demonstrate on the video a more straight ahead version of Nine Pound Hammer and then demonstrate a bluesy version of the same song. This will help teach you how to do this for yourself, so you can embellish the songs and solos you already know and create some narly solos of your own.
More Blues Chromatic, Triplets, Hot Licks Here are some more bluesy, fun and hot trick licks to spice up your songs and solos. The lesson videos include triplet licks which are always fun and easy to use. Also on the video are some longer fun lick examples and some hot licks to learn that always get a listeners attention. These low and up the neck examples were chosen carefully to be ones that not only teach the techniques but are easy to use and plug in to the songs you already know.
Bending the Strings Bending the Strings is a powerful technique to use on the banjo. Basically a bend works the same way as a slide, pull-of or hammer-on works, picking one note and getting a second note with the fretting hand. However bending the strings has an effect that you can't achieve with slides, pulls and hammers. These bending tricks always catch the listener and add a whole new dimension to your playing, and they are flat out fun to play too.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpfulAfter purchasing a few beginner dvds I can't express how Great your instructions, layout and videos are. Getting everything so promptly (within Hours) was terrific, I downloaded everything and it all looks great and is working better than expected. The way you describe visually in " learning to pick the right way" is the BEST I have seen. I will be purchasing more Items I'm sure. I'm HOOKED.....Thanks again I'm thrilled and excited
of what I see with all the documentation and videos....Great purchase and you can print that!!!!