Banjo Lessons for Beginners on your Computer - Ross Nickerson
All Songs and lessons include video and audio at slow and faster speeds with music tablature and instructional tips. Two Disc Set Sample Videos / Flash Versions Sample videos
Beginning the Five String Banjo CD Rom Series
1. Learn to Pick the Right Way
2. Learn the Slide, Pull-off, Hammer-on and Cripple Creek
3. Bonus Left Hand Exercises Video Lesson
4. How to use a Metronome and Timing Exercises
5. Playing a Song with a Basic Banjo Roll and Chords
6. How to hold the banjo, put the picks on, attach a strap, tune the banjo, the parts of the banjo pointed out, how to change a string, tighten the head and set the bridge.
7. Includes Five Song Lessons
Cripple Creek
Two Dollar Bill
John Henry
Rocky Top
Blackberry Blossom
All Songs and lessons include video and audio at slow and faster speeds with music tablature and instructional tips.
Detailed lesson descriptions below
Hard Copy Discs Discontinued
You can access any of these lessons listed on this page digitally online, either through individual Online Lessons access or joining my members site. These lessons are also available in Book and DVD form.
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Online Banjo Lessons
Beginning the Five String Banjo Book with Two CDs and DVD
Lesson Descriptions
All lessons include close up streaming video with split screen technology. They also audio soundfiles of the lessons played slower and at a faster speed, along with a music tablature booklet of the examples with written text and tips.
Learn to Pick the Right Way See must-know banjo rolls demonstrated close up with video, soundfiles, and tablature. Along with the video, soundfiles, and tab, the lessons include text tips from a professional banjo player and teacher with the experience to save you time and teach you correctly from the beginning. These lessons are for beginners learning to pick for the first time and intermediate students who need to improve and get it right.
Sample Videos
Learn the Slide, Pull-off, Hammer-on and Cripple Creek In this lesson you will see each technique demonstrated on video and you'll have tablature and sound to go with it.Learn how to get those slides, pull-offs and hammers to sound the way they are supposed to along with really getting Cripple Creek right! These lessons are for beginners learning to pick for the first time and intermediate students who need to improve and improve their technique
Sample Videos
Fretting Hand Exercises Video Lesson A fretting -hand Technique and Exercises Video, Text and Tab. Also includes booklet on how to hold the banjo, put the picks on, how to tune your banjo, the parts on the banjo, and how to read tablature. Both Learn to Pick The Banjo The Right Way and the Learn the slide, pull-off, hammer-on and how to play Cripple Creek lessons.
Sample Videos
How to use a Metronome and Timing Exercises Ross Nickerson describes an easy way to get started with and use a metronome. Also nine different picking timing examples to learn and work with. Good timing is essential in bluegrass banjo playing. Having this video available is unusual and you will benefit a lot having this instruction.
Sample Videos
Playing a Song with a Basic Banjo Roll and Chords Ross Nickerson demonstrates playing a simple roll while changing chords. This is the foundation of you banjo playing, being able to pick through the chords of the tune. It gives you a place to go when you lose your place or make a mistake. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn this important principle right away.
Sample Videos