Ultimate Banjo Compilation CD featuring Ross Nickerson.
Other Banjo players featured on the CD are Earl Scruggs, Sonny Osborne, Eddie Adcock, Greg Cahill, Pete Wernick, Scott Vestal, David McLaughlin, Kristin Scott Benson, Jeff Murray, Jim Mills, and Aaron McDaris.
Ultimate Banjo is a 20 track instrumental compilation, and showcases the fast, hard-driving, three-finger bluegrass style. In addition to focusing on the sound of the banjo, Pinecastle also wanted to take the opportunity to encourage knowledge about the history of the instrument. Greg Cahill, Chairman of the Board and President of the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) and banjo player for Special Consensus, with his extensive knowledge on the matter, was able to compose detailed liner-notes on the musical evolution of the banjo. This is a good collection for both the banjo curious and banjo aficionado.
Free tab for Jesse James as played by Ross Nickerson on the CD with purchase.
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