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Banjo Cruise Workshop Details | Banjo Workshop Curriculumn | Faculty

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Your Host and Instructor - Ross Nickerson

Ross Nickerson is the director and instructor on the Banjo Cruise.
Ross Nickerson has recorded with some of the top names in Bluegrass music. He was recently released on a compilation CD called Ultimate Banjo that included banjo legends, Earl Scruggs and Sonny Osborne. Ross recently appeared on stage with The Riders in the Sky and The Oak Ridge Boys and has picked with and appeared with many of the best banjo players in the world including Earl Scruggs, Bela Fleck and Ralph Stanley. Ross’s CD Blazing the West has won many awards including being named by Country Music Television as one of the top ten CDs to pick up. Ross's newest CD is called Let's Kick It that features hard driving traditional Bluegrass Banjo with Ross’s own personal touch. Accompanying Ross on the CD are members of the well known Bluegrass Band

Ross Nickerson has always enjoyed sharing his knowledge and helping others to learn to play the banjo. He has written and recorded over twenty Books and DVDs on how to play the banjo including The Banjo Encyclopedia, "Bluegrass Banjo from A to Z". His many years of experience teaching privately and traveling the world to hold group workshops has helped him gain many unique insights into the common obstacles facing banjo students today. He has listened to his students, seen the challenges they face, understands what students are craving for and always delivers his practical, focused instruction in a personable and easy to follow manner.
Read more about Ross Nickerson

Banjo Cruise Student Comments:

.....Hi Ross.,
I write to thank you for the effort you put into teaching at the recent Caribbean Banjo Cruise.  For me, it was spot on.  The emphasis on basics is exactly what I needed.  I was almost ready to give up trying to improve given the non-stop frustration of being unable to get through a memorized tab as soon as anybody was listening even though I had played it hundreds of times.  So the emphasis on the process of improving technique and having a rational approach to learning new material has already made a significant difference in my playing.  Also a new look at rolls.  i had always counted them as 12312312- now it is 1+2+3+4+.  This explains why I had so much trouble with chord changes or melody changes in mid-measure. Charles Hodge

.......Hi Ross: I just wanted to send you a note of appreciation for your direction during the Carribean Banjo Cruise this year.  You have driven me to ascend from my plateau of mediocrity and move forward in my journey to learn the banjo. You gave me a whole new vision on the correct way to practice and how to efficiently work out a new song.  Prior to you straightening me out, it was clear that I was learning the banjo backwards, which led to much frustration and my inability to gain much progress.  Many thanks for your patience and understanding and your undivided interest in helping others to be better musicians.  You are a true teacher!"  John Glassman Russell, Kansas

Message from Ross
ross nickerson
Hi, I'm Ross Nickerson,

The Banjo Cruise workshops are very important to me. Those of you who know me or is familiar with my work know the passion I feel to help others maximize and improve their experience playing the 5-string banjo. Looking through will give you an idea of how hard I have worked and the many services I have for students who want to progress and move forward.

The Banjo Cruise Workshop is held in a large private conference room that is essentially sound proof and separate from all other passengers. The workshop takes place during the days we are at sea so you can visit all ports and still have plenty of time for fun with your spouse, family or friends while on the cruise. The class sizes are small ensuring that each student receives the assistance and encouragement they need. The learning experience I offer is intended to be challenging, but always with your best interests at heart. I know no other way but to offer a supportive, helpful environment for my students.

All Level of Students are Welcome
The average skill and experience level for students is between six months and three years experience. This is a workshop for students who want to improve. Resist thinking you are not good enough or be intimidated. If you do, you could miss out on this valuable opportunity to improve. Everyone in the class will be there to learn and be supportive of each other. What ends up happening to all students is they realize they are just like everyone else in the learning process. That becomes a great source of comfort and encouragement in of itself. If you have concerns on either end of the skill perspective, please call Ross at 1-866-322-6567.

If you have any questions about the Banjo Cruise Workshop call me on my direct line at 1-866-322-6567

Thanks, Ross Nickerson

Here are just some of the topics covered in the workshops:

  • Right and Left Hand Techniques
  • Backup Playing
  • Practice Habits and Priorities
  • Mixing Styles
  • Up the Neck Work
  • Jamming with Others
  • Rhythm and Timing
  • Playing in Different Keys and Tunings
  • Playing by Ear and Learning to Play Without Tablature

As you can see by the curriculum description, this workshop will hit the core of the most important issues facing you. It will key on the most important areas of study needed to overcome as you tackle the obstacles that are inherent and in so many ways unique in learning the five string banjo.

Please give me a call so I can describe some of the activities we'll be taking part in and what we'll explore in classes.

Thanks, Ross Nickerson 866-322-6567

FREE - Banjo Cruise Attendees Receive 3 Year Access to the
Gold Members Banjo Lesson Site Free - Details







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