Playing Banjo By Ear and Learning the Chords - Online DVD Version
Instruction DVDs for Banjo Online
Learn Banjo at Home Online - This DVD saves you 5.00 and shipping costs.... AND instructions to access this DVD are delivered immediately after purchase.
From the private teaching and workshops I have been doing especially of late, this subject matter is what students have strongly expressed a desire to improve on. I'm not sure what more to tell you except I'm confident these DVDs will be of great benefit. Ross Nickerson
The content on the new DVDs targets what banjo players are craving for to reach the next level. The DVDs target reducing dependency on tablature, learning to play banjo by ear, learning to play by the chords, how to recover from mistakes, all the things that are hard to explain and demonstrate in books. This content should unlock many common difficulties and obstacles facing students today that are learning from tablature books.
The comprehensive DVD instruction will help you play on your own, learn to memorize quicker, understand how the chords work and learn to jam on banjo by knowing only the chords. The DVD includes loads of practical tips for the student wanting to pick on the back porch, play with others and progress faster.
Tips and exercises to improve your chord changing ability and practice backup. How to improve timing, pick steady, simple to more advanced improvising, add slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs to chords and how to find the melody in the chord.
Includes instruction on learning the chords to songs, playing along when you only know the chords, playing up the neck by ear, also using minor major and seventh chords.
Also available as a hard copy DVD disc by mail.
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.......Thanks for the DVDs. Well, you have really done it now. These DVDs are what I have needed and been looking for nearly 20 years. My progress on the banjo is much faster now. .For many years, I have been wanting to learn how to keep a driving rhythm through a song. These DVDs explain and demonstrate exactly how to do that. Learning is much faster. Backup is easier and songs are easier to play by ear. Now I know what you meant when you used to say "I never play it the same way twice" and I was frustrated by that. How the hell can one learn something when the teacher never does it the same way twice? Now I know. I just wish I had learned these things at 30 or 40 rather than 70 (birthday 9/9/06). Great job Ross!
......Ross, I received the DVD's a few days ago and I feel compelled to let you know what I think of them. I own a good deal of training material from some of the best musicians (IMHO). You have hit a double homerun! The DVD's are excellent, whatever level you happen to be playing at.
.....I got the 2 new DVD's today and I'm blown away! As far as I know, there isn't any other instruction material on the market that compares.
Mr. Nickerson, I have been playing now for a little more than a year and just discovered your How to Play by the Chords/By Ear DVD and wish that I had done so sooner! Anyway, it is an excellent resource and I want to thank you for your time and dedication to help entry level players (like me) all the way through advanced improve their skill level on this fine instrument. Respectfully, Zack Frohn