
Last Product Reviews RSS Feed

Gold Tone OB-3 Mastertone™ Professional Banjo "The Twanger"
Good morning Ross, My OB-3 arrived safe and sound! It has exceeded my expectations! This thing is a ...
High Quality Leather Banjo Strap Resonator Banjos
The strap is really nice, minimalist just the way I like it! I like this strap over my Deering delu ...
Nick Picks Best Tone and Comfort
I had a little trouble with these but it was operator error. Once I spread them out a bit and slid t ...
Snuffy Smith Bridge for 5-String Banjos
The strings have a whole new brightness and depth of tone and sustain. Wow, it is almost like I was ...
Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
Hello Ross, and crew! Been playing my RK75 since last May now, and just received a set of Nick Picks ...
Cheat-A-Keys Cam D-Tuners for Banjo
Everything has arrived well 2 days ago - ultra speedy transatlantic shipment, fantastic items, best ...
Gold Tone OB-250 Plus with JLS Tone Ring
Great banjo,just received it a couple days ago and it looks and sounds great. Thanks Ross for all yo ...

Bluegrass Banjo Lessons Online 

Ross Nickerson Online Banjo Lessons

Why not learn from the start how to play the banjo correctly. Well known banjo player and banjo teacher, Ross Nickerson, has put all his knowledge from decades of teaching into these online video lessons.

We have beginner banjo lessons, intermediate banjo lessons, and even advanced banjo lessons.

Our Onlin...

  • Join Our Lesson Site
    Join Our Lesson Site

    Banjo Teacher Banjo Lesson Members Site Access

    Special Offer for Joining - Free Set of Nick Picks with Platinum Membership, Free Fleck Tuner with Gold
    Silver $35, Gold $89 and LIFETIME Platinum Banjo Lesson Access $129

    Present Members Log In Instructions!

    New Members Only Lesson Site

    I'm proud to announce the merging of the Members Site with all of the large catalog of separate Online Lessons offerred. The new Members Site is easily accessed with your email address through your customer account.

    Banjo Lesson Site Members are able to access and download Complete Online Banjo Lesson Courses, Digital Books and Banjo Lesson Videos, 10 full length Books and Online DVDs, 50 Banjo Songs with Video and Tab, Beginning and Advanced Banjo Tabs . Members also receive generous discounts on all hard copy Banjo Instruction Books, CDs and DVDs and big discounts on banjos priced over $1500.

    Memberships available!
    Read below all that each different level of banjo lesson membership offers.

    Silver 1 Year Members Banjo Lesson Access / Gold 3 Year Complete Online Course Access / LIFETIME -ALL ACCESS - Platinum

    Banjo Teacher Lifetime Banjo Lesson AccessBanjo Teacher Banjo Lessons - Gold Access Banjo Teacher Banjo Lessons Silver Access

  • Complete Online Banjo Course
    Complete Online Banjo...

    Ross Nickerson's Complete Online Banjo Course

    The All Online Lessons Special features over 20 hours of professional Ross Nickerson streaming video banjo lessons for a very low discounted price. They include lessons from beginner through to advanced. There are 6 full length Ross Nickerson Online DVDs, the Must Know Licks, Intermediate banjo lessons on learning backup, playing up the neck, playing popular songs by ear, learning the chords up the neck, learning how to use banjo rolls with chords, improving timing, 25 songs played at three speeds with detailed tablature, practice habits, playing in the key of D, backup bluegrass band to practice with, banjo set up tips, like how to adjust or switch the bridge, tightening the head, changing strings and loads of other professional tips and advice from Ross.

    It's a whole lot more than you'd expect nowadays with all the quick amateur snippets from anyone who has a web cam, a computer and knows a few licks. Get quality instruction from an experienced professional, from someone that has been teaching his entire career and can also play real "Scruggs style" bluegrass banjo at a top level.

    Banjo Lessons Online at

    Purchase All available Online Video Banjo Lessons, Books & DVDs for only $89

    Special Added Lessons - 5 full length DVDs Online included

    In addition to the many hours included in the All Online lessons Package

    For a limited time get all five of these 5 full length Ross Nickerson Online DVDs FREE with the All Online Lessons package.

    1. Play Banjo By Ear and Learning the Chords - details
    2. How to Practice Banjo - details
    3. Banjo Jamming and Play Along - details
    4. Playing in the Keys of C, D, E, F, and G Up the Neck details
    5. Rock Solid Timing and Backup Tips - details

    Receive all of the above 5 Online DVDS listed above FREE for a limited time!

    Purchasing Banjo Lessons Online saves you money and shipping costs and you will receive immediate access to all our Online Instruction Material.

    Why not learn correctly from the start from well known banjo player and teacher, Ross Nickerson.


  • DVDS Online Immediate Access
    DVDS Online Immediate...

    Ross Nickerson Banjo Instruction DVD's Also Available for Watching Online

    This will save you money on the cost and also any shipping charges. If you choose the option to watch them online you receive instant access with instructions provided automatically after checkout, Scroll Down to see all the Online Banjo DVDs we offer. 

    The Banjo DVDs online are all lifetime access with no expiration. 
    If you'd rather have a physical DVD click over to see our hard copy banjo lesson DVDs.

    All available Online Banjo DVDs listed below are included FREE with the Gold or Lifetime Platinum Membership,
    (see details below)

    1. Play Banjo By Ear with Chords - details
    2. How to Practice Banjo - details
    3. Banjo Jamming and Play Along - details
    4. Playing in the Keys of C, D, E, F
        and G Up the Neck details
    5. Rock Solid Timing and Backup Tips - details Members Banjo Lesson Site

    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum 

    Members Access Details

  • Download Banjo E-books
    Download Banjo E-books

    Download Ross Nickerson Banjo Books with Audio

    Save and get immediate access with no shipping charges to Ross Nickerson Banjo Books you download with CD Audio tracks included. Eight Ross Nickerson Books to choose from.

  • Beginner Online Banjo Courses
    Beginner Online Banjo...

    Beginner Banjo Lessons Online with Ross Nickerson

     Learn to play banjo from one the most respected banjo instructors in the world. Study here with Ross in the comfort of your own home! 
    Sample Beginner Banjo Lessons by Ross Nickerson

    All lessons include close-up streaming video with split screen close-up views.
    There is no expiration for the online access and you can download and keep the videos,MP3's and Tabs too.
    You receive instructions to access ALL these lessons immediately after purchase!

    Click to see all our Beginner Banjo Lessons Online

    If you think you might prefer Books and DVDs over Online Lessons see Ross's extensive catalog of Books, DVDs and CDs for learning banjo. Ross's Banjo Books and DVDs Members Banjo Lesson Site

    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum 

    Members Access Details

  • Banjo Song and Video Lessons
    Banjo Song and Video...

    Banjo Songs and Video Lessons Online

    Banjo Song Lessons with Video, Tab and MP3 with Ross Nickerson

    Learn your favorite banjo songs easy online with world renowned Banjo Teacher, Ross Nickerson
    Sample Banjo Song Lesson Videos

    Click to see all our Banjo Songs Lessons Online all with detailed sheet music in tablature and videos of each song played at three speeds.

    Banjo Songs with video, audio and tablature, 24 in all.
    All songs performed slow medium and fast on both the Video and CD Tracks included.
    There is no expiration for the online access and you can download and keep the videos, MP3's and Tabs too.
    Videos are high quality split screen close-ups. See sample videos below.
    You receive instructions to access ALL these lessons immediately after purchase!
    Lifetime access included for all the banjo song lessons. Members Banjo Lesson Site

    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum 

    Members Access Details

  • Intermediate and More Advanced
    Intermediate and More...

    Intermediate Banjo Lessons Online with Ross Nickerson

    Learn to play up the neck on banjo, chords up the neck, 7th and minor chords, how to play backup, learn a technique for playing non bluegrass songs on the banjo, how to improve speed in your picking, what the most important things to learn on the banjo are, good practice, habits, playing banjo in the key of D and other keys, how to count and improve banjo timinghow to memorize or learn a song quicker from tablature, play songs when you only know the chords to the song, how to find the melody notes in a chord and loads more tips for intermediate banjo players.

    Challenge yourself and learn more advanced banjo techniques by tackling more advanced banjo songs. Complete note for note detailed tablature is included.
    Advanced Video Transcriptions

    There is no expiration for the online access and you can download and keep the videos, MP3's and Tabs too.
    You receive instructions to access ALL these lessons immediately after purchase!

    Includes video to see how it's done, tablature and text that you can print out.
    Easy viewing on Windows, Mac, IPad, IPhone and Droids Members Banjo Lesson Site

    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum 

    Members Access Details

  • Advanced Banjo Lessons
    Advanced Banjo Lessons

    Advanced Banjo Tabs and Lessons Online

    Advanced Banjo Tabs and Advanced Online Banjo Lessons from Ross Nickerson

    Ross Nickerson Live Video Transcriptions and Advanced Banjo Lessons
    Scroll down below to see all the lessons available.

    I'm excited to have 13 more advanced banjo songs from performance videos transcribed and available to learn from. I hope they are helpful to to those of you interested in learning new banjo songs, banjo licks, or arrangements. The material should be more challenging because it is improvised and not thought out or recorded to match a tab book.

    I have links to purchase the tab transcriptions below the video player. Than can either be purchased separately or in bundles at a discount.

    Each tab transcription is not only easy to read but it plays back in the computer midi player at any speed you choose perfectly. The tabledit program has a free program you can download easily from a link you get with the tab. The lessons also include a link to download and keep the video.

  • Banjo Licks Banjo Essentials
    Banjo Licks Banjo...

    Banjo Licks and Banjo Practice Prioriites

    Learn from Ross Nickerson the important must know banjo licks that are the building blocks of five string banjo technique and some hot banjo licks along the way too.

    Banjo Tab and Video
    Must Know Banjo Licks Page
    Each video has the must-know examples of these techniques demonstrated slow and fast on video. 
    Each lesson also comes with it's own tablature booklet.

    "Must Know" Banjo Licks Lesson Descriptions  Bundle 1, 2 and 3
    Nine different important categories of banjo licks in all
    There is no expiration for the online access and you can download and keep the videos, MP3's and Tabs too.

    Go to the Must Know Banjo Licks Page Members Banjo Lesson Site
    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum

    Members Access Details

  • Play Along With Bluegrass Band
    Play Along With...

    Bluegrass Band Backup to Play Along with Banjo

    Online Banjo Student Lessons

    There is no expiration date for the online access and you can download and keep the videos, MP3's and Tabs too.
    Here is a link to our band to practice your banjo with banjo lessons online and our Banjo Jamming Online DVD.

    If you'd like to be jamming with others and want to learn how I firmly believe these backup tracks will help your progress a lot, and you'll have a lot of fun with them too. They are recorded at three speeds. I recorded the backup tracks in the recording studio at three different speeds, and not too fast either so they are suitable for beginning and intermediate level banjo students. The tempos of the songs range from very easy, (90 Beats per minute/BPM) to a slow medium tempo, (130 /BPM) to a moderate fast speed, 105 BPM double or cut time, (Four eighth notes per click).

    Includes recordings of the songs, backup play along tracks, music tablature, along with instruction tips on each song! Also includes instruction on learning how to play by the chords to the song, has easy to read tablature with accent marks for melody notes, and the backup band tracks are at three speeds to play along with! Thanks, Ross Nickerson Members Banjo Lesson Site
    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum

    Members Access Details

  • Online Lessons FAQ
    Online Lessons FAQ

    FAQ - Ross Nickerson Banjo Lessons Online at

    Learn Bluegrass Banjo from world renowned Banjo Instructor Ross Nickerson at his website
    Banjo Lesson Downloads
    Available for viewing and downloading immediately after purchase!

    Banjo Lessons that work fast on Windows, Mac, IPads, IPhones and Droids
    Lifetime access to all lessons purchased is included!

    Online Lesson Reviews

    Sample videos

    .... The download worked perfectly. Great system you have there. Frank

    All the Online Banjo Lessons can be accessed immediately with instructions you receive in your customer account after ordering.

    • There is no expiration for the online access and you can download and keep videos, MP3's and Tabs too.
    • After purchasing in the shopping cart there is a link to the Online Lesson Access Instructions. The instructions include a link to the webpage where your lessons are along with a username and a password you will need to access your lesson videos, audio files and music tablature.
    • Be sure and download and save the access instructions with the link, username and password to your computer.
    • We will send you a backup copy of the links and instructions within 12 hours, most times the backup copy is sent right away.
    • After you've purchased your lessons and you've arrived at the download page, there are thorough instructions on viewing downloading, saving and learning easily from the lessons.
    • All the Lessons are embedded as easy to view videos online that work fast on windows, mac, Ipad, I-phone, droids, smart phones and other operating systems.
    • You can also keep the lessons by downloading each lesson in one click by downloading zip files but many of the files are very large. If you have good internet access its not necessary to download the files. If you are using IPAD its not advised to download too many at once because the videos will take up space on your hard drive.
    • Your username and password is good indefinitely, the lessons are easily viewed online so if you prefer, you can keep returning and working with the the video lessons at the webpage without downloading them.
    • If you are buying this lesson at a discount as a member, please note that the password for the Online Lesson Pages will be different than your member password. THE ONLINE LESSONS ARE IN A SEPARATE PASSWORD PROTECTED PART OF BANJOTEACHER.COM. Members get a 25% discount on Online Lessons and all other instructional items. members site.
    • If for any reason are having any difficulty accessing your Online Lessons please email us right away so we can send you a copy of the access instructions by email. contact-usYou can call for tech support anytime toll free at 866 322 6567.
    • Also, to put you at ease, we send out backup copies of the links and instructions to to all customers by email as soon as we receive the order.

    Email us


    Online Lesson Reviews


  • Sample Lessons
    Sample Lessons

    Sample Online Banjo Lesson Videos from

    Click the "More" Link to expand the page and see all the video samples.

    Here are banjo lesson video samples for the banjo lessons that go with our Lessons Online for Banjo. It is just a short sampling but it will help you get an idea of the quality of the video and the sound. 

    The sample videos demonstrate the videos for Backup Banjo, Beginner Banjo Videos, Banjo Tunes, Play Along, Learning Banjo Chords, Up the Neck, Practice Habits, Timing, Playing in Different keys without a capo and more.

    …..Hi Ross, Just wanted to say thank you for the help in getting started with the banjo. It's something that I've wanted to do for a number of years, now, and I've finally committed myself to it. I've purchased some of your on-line lessons and it's been great to see my progress at the end of each practice session. The lessons are very well laid out and the videos are extremely helpful. Thanks again! Jim Kilpatrick Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    More Online Lesson Reviews

    Banjo Backup Play Along DVD Sample Video

    Banjo Songs DVD Sample Video

    Learn Banjo with Beginning Five String Banjo DVD Sample

    Beginner Banjo Videos

    Banjo Song Book with Beverly Hillbillies DVD Sample

    Beginning Banjo Book

    Practice and Instruction Help for Banjo DVD Video

    Learning Banjo Chords Up the Neck DVD Video Sample

  • Live Group Banjo Classes
    Live Group Banjo Classes

    Banjo Lessons Live Online with Ross Nickerson

    Take banjo lessons live online with well known banjo instructor and owner of through his "live" online group banjo lessons. These are six week classes that meet once a week for an hour offering beginner to advanced banjo classes. Now you can take banjo lessons "live" from the comfort of you own home with less pressure and by being a group class they are sensible and more cost effective too.

    A new Class Semester begins every 8 weeks. Live Banjo Instructor

  • Hard Copy Discs
    Hard Copy Discs

    Banjo Lessons for your Computer on hard copy CDR

    Free Offer
    Receive the full 5 CD rom Set Free
    While Supplies Last Purchase All available Online Video Banjo Lessons, Books & DVDs for only $89
    and receive the full 5 CD Rom Set Free
    Banjo Lessons Online at

    See all that's included with the All Online Lessons and now 5 included Hard Copy Discs
    Details Members Banjo Lesson Site
    Get it all for one low price! - details

    Silver - 1 Year | Gold - 3 Year | LIFETIME Platinum

    Members Access Details

    No download needed with these Banjo Lessons on CDR.

    Learn to play banjo correct the first time at home with world renowned banjo player and teacher, Ross Nickerson. Banjo Lessons with video on easy to use CD-ROM all about learning banjo. Banjo Lessons include tablature, written instruction, video and audio recordings. Scroll down below to see the Online Banjo Lessons in hard copy CDR discs. Just put the disc in the computer and click on the video demonstration and the audio recordings. Tablature Music and written instruction comes in easy to print PDF.

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