Oregon 5-String Banjo Instructor List

La Grande

Name: Matthew Snook
Style: Bluegrass/Swing (All Levels)
Email: matt@snooksband.com
URL: http://www.snooksband.com


Name: Peter Schwimmer
Style: bluegrass (Scruggs, melodic, single string, "Adcock - Travis" style), blues, some jazz, playing (leads and accompaniment) for different styles of music (country, folk, etc.), music theory applied to the banjo neck; levels taught: beginning to advanced.
Email: schwimbo@pacifier.com

I teach 5-string banjo in Portland Oregon

Name:  Jane Keefer
Styles:  3-finger (Bluegrass, etc);  Clawhammer; 
Pete Seeger; Up-picking style
Level:  beginning to advanced
Phone:  503-775-2846
Email:  keefer@teleport.com


Name Randy White
styles: scruggs, melodic & contemporary.
Phone: 503.585.0967

Name: John Adams
Style: Clawhammer
Email: adamsjw@comcast.net
Phone: 503-585-9954

Ashland, Oregon Banjo Teacher

Name: Brad Kauder
Styles: Scruggs, melodic, Celtic, single-string, jazz, contemporary
Levels: Beginner to advanced
Phone: 541.482.8172
Email: bradk@mind.net


Banjo Workshops with Ross Nickerson

The Banjo Cruise: Banjo Lessons at sea for all levels including beginners