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below about what's included on the
members only site at

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What's inside for members when you join
Archived Intermediate
Lesson Videos

There are 48 lessons that you can download and keep. Lot's of banjo playing techniques and songs for Beginner and Intermediate Players
Important banjo lessons for beginners
just getting started!
Beginner Online Lesson
Option 1

a 12.95 value
along with three songs from the 24
Songs Online Lessons
Members receive a 25% discount on all instructional items with some accessories and instructional items on sale for even more off.
Discounted Accessories
"Sale of the Month"

Discounted accessories for members including Nick Picks, Tuners and Capos with a special item on sale each month
Must Know Licks
Bundle 3

Is included when you become a member

Rock Solid Banjo Timing Online Lesson
included when you become a member
40 song videos with matching tab

Ross Nickerson Videos and MP3 recordings in their entirety
Advanced Tab Transcriptions

including Dueling Banjos Movie Transcription, Take it Easy and Stairway to Heaven.
Banjo Encyclopedia Tips and Video Lessons pertaining to pages and lessons from the Banjo Encyclopedia

More than 50 Ask the Banjo Teacher columns and instruction articles

New Members receive download instructions immediately
and automatically after check out!
Members Only Site Frequently Asked Questions
If you are making other purchases now on the non members site before receiving your password, you will still receive the 25% discount on instructional items, we process it manually when the order comes through with the membership. Note: the 25% discount applies to all Ross Nickerson Books, Online Lessons, DVDs, CDs and CD Roms. Any accessories and banjos are at their regular discounted prices. Once logged in there are special other items on sale for members and all monthly discounted items stay on sale for members all year.

Some of the items the member's site includes:
Beginner lessons, Online Banjo Lesson Option 1 , Song Lessons with tab, Intermediate Lessons, Advanced Tabs, 48 archived lessons, 25% discounts on all Ross Nickerson instruction items, Books, CDs, DVDs and Online Lessons. Discounts on selected accessories along with special items on sale each month, Ask the Banjo teacher Columns, Banjo Encyclopedia Tips/Videos and Miscellaneous Tabs, Licks, Video Lessons and performance videos and Mp 3's you can download.

Become a Member of
6 months 19.95 one year 24.95 Two years 29.95, Three years 34.95

I really appreciate your products, they are the BEST when it comes to learning to pick the banjo.
I must say Ross is a GREAT musician and a GREAT teacher. He has the heart of a teacher, he understands where we are, and knows how to get a person to the place they want to be...a banjo player. Thanks again, Sincerely, Zyndall 

If you continue to scroll down there are more descriptions

Members also have access to extended monthly sales. Each month puts an item up on sale at large discounts. Members have access to these sale prices indefinitely, not just for the one month. Sale items with 25% off or more in recent months were the Banjo Song Book with CD and DVD, $20 off, All three new Ross Nickerson DVDs, $20 off and free shipping, How to Build Your Speed on the Banjo with CD $15, Ultimate Banjo Mute $10 off with many more such as clip on tuners, Nick Picks
and a new sale item each month. Ross Nickerson's' Newest DVDS

Discounted for Members

Ross Nickerson introduces three new banjo instruction DVDs
How To Practice, Timing and Backup, Different Keys
Details on the new DVD's

Regular all three price 69.95
Member Price for all three 49.95

Archived Lesson Videos

Video Sample of Lessons for members

Here is a sample of one of the monthly lesson videos with tab that are archived each month for members.
I filmed the free banjo lessons from September of 2006 to August 2010, there are 48 in all.
Sample of the archived videos

Archived monthly lessons now include quite a few video lessons that go with lessons that are in my Book, The Banjo Encyclopedia, "Bluegrass Banjo from A to Z".
Including lessons on Chapter 14, Playing in Different Keys on the banjo, keys of C, D, and playing up the neck.

Listings of the Archived Lesson Videos for members to date
These are streaming video lessons of either a banjo song, a particular important lick or even a fun thing to play that you can add to the songs you already know.
Click here for the lesson names

These Items are still on special sale for members

nick picks
Nick Picks now 19.95 for members.
Regular Pirce 24.95

Here are some Past On Sale Items Still on Sale
When you Become a Member!

CCT Clip on Tuner


Retail Price $30.00

Monthly Discount Price for this product servlet/detail?no=1366" class="style87">$18.00

The Banjo Songbook


Regular Price 39.95

Member Discount Price

Two Instructional DVD's
Regular price 49.95
Member Discount Price

Best Bluegrass Banjo Strings

5 sets of strings for $20.00

I really like GHS strings, they work great and they have the best custom sets available for banjo.

More Details
Christmas CD
Regular price 11.95

Member Discount Price


The 'Ultimate' Banjo Mute


Regular Price 22.95


Full Size Wall chart


Regular Price 6.21

Member Discount Price

speed on banjo
Book - Speed on the Banjo

Regular Price 19.95

Member Discount Price

Two Lessons specially combined:
1. Learning the Chords Up and Down the Neck

2. Essential "Must Know" Scruggs Style Licks

Monthly Discount Price / $11.00

Monthly Discount DVD $24.95

Monthly Discount for Online Lesson $19.95

Monthly Discount DVD $24.95

Monthly Discount for Online Lesson $19.95

Two for the normal price of one!
Monthly Discount Price for for
both Books/CDs/DVDs 29.95

Lakota Leathers banjo straps
Click here for specific details

Pick your color and style

Buy the Banjo Encyclopedia

Special wire bound Banjo Encyclopedia Book
Book and CD
- 27.95

Click here for specific details

More Discount Combos with the Banjo Encyclopedia
Joy of Christmas Banjo Songbook
Regular price 29.95
Christmas Song Book $24.00

12 popular Christmas favorites
Essential Banjo Licks

Regular price 29.95
Monthly Discount price 22.00

Online Banjo Songs
These are easy to view, download and learn Banjo Songs
with video, audio and detailed tablature, 24 songs in all for 29.95
All songs performed at slow, medium and fast tempos on both
the Steaming Video and CD Tracks.
Videos are high quality split screen close-ups
More details and sample videos
Regular price 39.95
All 24 songs for 29.95

online lessons
Must Know Licks all three bundles

9.00 off for members
Details on lessons

normal price 30.00
Member price $19.00

Download instructions link
immediately after checkout

Purchase Playing Banjo By Ear & Learning The Chords DVD
receive the Paige Banjo Capo
for free
($16.95 value)

More Details
Special Combined Online Lesson
Learning the Chords Up and Down the Neck
Blues Banjo, More Blues, Chromatics, Triplets,
Hot Licks and Bending the Strings
More details
Monthly Discount Price / $11.00
Add coupon code for an additional 25% off

Bluegrass Standards for Banjo Made Easy
More Details
banjo tuner
Full Function Korg Automatic Chromatic Tuner
more details
Retail Price 32.00
our monthly sale price 15.00

Other Benefits for members

Special tabs and videos available now free to members only

Dueling Banjos-Original movie soundtrack transcription as played by Eric Weisberg. I tabbed this out for a student a few months ago. It's kind of hard in places mostly because the style is a little unorthodox from typical Scruggs style. It's catchy though, it must be, look how popular the song is.
Take it Easy-banjo solo tab. I transcribed the solo by Bernie Leyden of the Eagles. It was difficult to do because the banjo is buried in the mix behind the drums, vocals and electric guitars, but a lot of pickers are curious about this one, and it seems to have been an inspiration for a lot of banjo players to take up the banjo.
Country Roads-free banjo tab and video lesson for members too.
Man of Constant Sorrow- Beginner Version in tab and with a streaming video of it played slow and faster.
New live Videos - Stairway to Heaven, Under the Double Eagle, Dixie Hoedown, Bluegrass Breakdown

*25% discount on all instructional books, CDs and DVDs/ You can purchase the membership at the same time as other instructional items on the non members site and the 25% discount will be processed manually when we receive the order.

Ross Nickerson

As a member you can save videos to your computer. The members site now has over 100 free videos, 50 lesson and song videos with matching tab and over 100 free tab files,

Members only site for more videos and lessons

Listings of Archived Free Monthly Lesson Videos for members to date - For 48 months we had a free banjo lesson video that are now saved on to one download webpage that is accessible to members only. These are streaming video lessons of either a banjo song, a particular important lick or even a fun thing to play that you can add to the songs you already know.
The free lessons also include tablature when needed. There were 48 monthly lessons in all.

Click here to view the list and to see a sample video

* Some of the items available to members
*Archived Free Monthly Lesson Videos - 48 in all
*Over 100 Tabs and lessons with tab on the tablature page and more upgraded ones
*Banjo Encyclopedia learning tips page - comments, and helpful information on how to use the book more effectively
*Ask the BanjoTeacher page with many answers to email questions I receive. Examples that represent common questions and obstacles for students trying to improve
*Over 90 Free Streaming Videos for Members, More Tab Downloads, that is including the monthly free video banjo lessons.
*Over 50 Instruction Articles and Ask the Banjo Teacher Columns along with other Instructor Tips.
*Archived files, Advanced Tab Downloads and Special Feature Transcriptions
*All past “Songs of the Month” with included video and tab.
*Discounts on instructional products and monthly specials. Discounts apply to all instructional materials, most accessories are not included.
*Backup Band Tracks to play along with and more to come!!!

Become a Member of
6 months 19.95 one year 24.95 Two years 29.95, Three years 34.95

Ask the Banjo Teacher columns!
Here are just some of the topics you'll learn as a member.

Learn the banjo 3-2 pull off, How to get better banjo tone, Banjo help with the middle finger, Banjo finger exercises, Learn banjo back up, Playing the melody on banjo, Banjo practice advice, Questions about banjo tab, Banjo songs that sound good slower, Learning the 2-3-2 hammer-on pull-off lick. Right hand banjo instruction, How to fret better on banjo and improve the left hand, Learning more from the bluegrass encyclopedia of banjo,  Trouble with playing banjo chords, How to progress faster learning banjo, How to capo the fifth string, Banjo chords for different keys, How to play up the neck; Cumberland Gap, Learning to play the D chord on banjo, Banjo practice; trying too hard, Trouble with the index finger while picking banjo, Banjo forward roll tips, Getting better at banjo; skill building, Trying to pick up some speed, How to relax when playing banjo, Bending and choking the banjo strings, Banjo Advice: How long should I practice? Learning the D chord part in Beverly Hillbillies / Jed Clampett, Learn the banjo 3-2 pull off, Left hand muting, Questions on using a preamp with a Fishman Banjo Pickup, fingers tensing up, putting one or two fingers on the head, Trouble finding tab for a banjo song, Tightening the banjo head, Playing without tab, What should I practice? Banjo timing tips and instruction, Adding a bounce to a roll, Take it Easy banjo tab question, banjo set up advice, How to put a banjo capo on,  How to get a better sounding banjo pull off or push up, radius neck advice, Preparing for a banjo workshop, How to capo the fifth string and many more.
New Ask the Banjo Teacher column Jed Clampet D Chord Section

Special Ask the Banjo Teacher for Ross Nickerson about The Banjo Encylopedia

banjo encyclopedia questions

*I wanted to be sure that I am on right track
*Sitting On Top of the World ending lick
*Chapter 3, Left Hand Technique
*Trying to Hard
*Difficulty with chords
*Simplifying it some for a student
*Questions about fingerings, timing exercises, and metronome use
*Left hand advice
*Student questions on the Banjo Student's Breakdown in Chapter 5
*More left hand advice, student questions on the Banjo Student's Breakdown in Chapter 5
*Roll syncopation on the slow speeds on the CD?

New Live Cuts
with Ross N and three time IBMA Dobro Player of the Year, Rob Ickes. Also other new live material recorded recently.

More Ask the Banjo Teacher questions
New one - What Should I Practice?

Advanced Tab for Jesse James in D Tuning with CD track you can download from Ross Nickerson's CD, Blazing the West
Lonesome Road Blues - MP3's of the song played slow and fast by Ross Nickerson with low and high breaks, MP3 instruction,
tab and rhythm tracks at both speeds to play along with, free for members!
Two Dollar Bill streaming video played slow and fast
Banks of the Ohio Streaming Video and Tablature played slow and fast by Ross Nickerson
Hark the Herald Angels Sing video played slow and fast by Ross Nickerson with tab for members. It's one of the songs in the Joy of Christmas Tab book with CD.
Added free tab - Cumberland Gap. Also! Download the Cumberland Gap Medium Speed Backup Track from the Rhythm and Backup Track Volume 1 CD to play along with too.)
Christmas Book with DVD and CD on Sale

Feaured Ask the Banjo Teacher Columns
Should I place two fingers on the head? One finger down? If so, which finger? When picking what's the difference between planting two fingers or just one?
The advantage? Why put any fingers down? Planting Fingers on the Head by Ross Nickerson

Become a Member of
6 months 19.95 one year 24.95 Two years 29.95, Three years 34.95